
ENPARD Technical Assistance: Producer Group and Value Chains Development

Avenue Consulting Group conducted trainings for producer groups from Gegharkunik, Aragatsotn, Kotayk and Vayots Dzor Marzes to provide basics in business skills as well as developed business plans for the selected producer groups in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) and its technical assistance component focused on producer group and value chain development.

Project outputs are

  • Strengthened and newly established primary producer groups. Within the targeted value chains and Marzes, the project developed effective, sustainable new producer groups as well as assisted and strengthened existing ones in the various stages of their development.
  • Producer groups effectively engaged in value addition. The project supported the building of physical infrastructure as well as human capacity and skills that enable producers to add value to primary agricultural production.
  • Strengthened value chains that provide improved access to affordable, better quality food. The project identified and developed key intervention points at any level within the selected value chains to  benefit not only stakeholders of those value chains but also Armenian consumers locally and nationally.